Create a surveymonkey asking potential audiences what they expect / prefer to see in the products of the same brief you chose. Review your results and copy and paste some relevant graphs.
• What did you find useful about the information you collated?
• How are you going to use the information you collated to establish a target audience for your product?
• What does the target audience expect to see in the product you’re going to create?
• How are you going to use the information collated to come up with designs and house style for your product.
My Audience
click the following link takes you to my questionnaire:
magazine survey data:

This just shows the larger demographic of younger people who participated within my survey which is mainly 15-17 and only 1 was 18 or older.

had mainly female participants within my results which is mainly due to the environment which it was conducted in.Which could show perhaps i could have the idea of pursuing more female fashion aspects rather than just men.

80% of the people preferred to see a woman on the cover which can relate to the higher amount of women who participated in my questionnaire which could be a representation to what people expect from a fashion magazine for it to be female oriented.

Again 80% followed the expected trends of having a plain white background as the cover which is something i want to be excluded from i want my magazine to be different from expectations which is why im not going to have a white plain background.

Majority of people who did my questionnaire chose that they would buy a magazine once a month which is typical in relation to the younger participants since the younger generation do more reading on their phones rather than picking up a book or magazine which just reflects how technology has influenced paper editions of media.

100% of People want to see some of the extreme fashion ideas which are unusual fashion styles.

All my participants want to see everyday fashion which are common so more my audience can relate to.

This shows that the magazine should adopt a light hearted jokey kind of tone and not to seem so diehard and serious about fashion and to appeal to a more friendly and accessible to everyone who wants to pick up and read a magazine for the first time.

£2-£4 option is the most popular option which is seeming like a fair price for a magazine so it can be competitive with other magazines which have already established a fanbase so a penetration pricing should be used to enter the market.

60% of my participants chose to have european styles which i thought would of been more of the american brands but european fashion is more iconic within the uk rather than american brands.
website survey data analysis:

My survey allowed me to gather that people wouldnt spend so much time on a fashion website the time indicated 0-10 mins suggests that people will read one or two fashion articles and thats it which shows that my articles may have to be snappy and quick to read.

All my answers are equal here but more options to visit a website couple times over a two week period and not a daily visit.which shows that people may prefer a larger fix of fashion news over a couple weeks.

This survey shows that people want the option to buy some of the fashion wares and this was useful because my magazine involves more expensive fashion ideas but people seem to still want the links and even for celebrity clothing that isnt exclusive to them.

allows me to cater to peoples budgets possibly even have categories of fashion in relation to price but still mainly keeping designer as a fundamental part.

More people said yes to this idea which makes me want to go through this idea more to embrace hip hop fashion trends etc.

Using a subscription is a modern way to retain customers since you can have a low price but they still keep reading the magazine and they stay updated with whats going on with the online magazine.

Going to keep the website same as the maagzine for the theme of it.

People want new updates each day so they are aware of the constantly changing fashion world.

Mainly same as the magazine counterpart question same age group answering the survey.
magazine conclusion:
The information i have collected has been useful because it showed me peoples expectations of a fashion magazine such as a female on the cover and a plain white background which i want to defy peoples expectations so that it will be different even with i had more females i want more males to be interested in fashion magazines so it doesnt become so gender locked for only women to enjoy fashion magazines.In addition my tone for the magazine is going to be light hearted and not to serious and critical because i want my magazine to appeal to new and old magazine readers so it wont lose either markets.The style of fashion i wanted to do was debated between us fashion and european fashion but from the data gathered im going to focus on european fashion but i will include other culture fashions also.The more younger people made me want to appeal more to the younger age range which i can relate to myself.
I HAVE CHOSEN; my audience to be 18-22 year old males with the socio economic groups of a and b but i also want my audience to be motivated to achieve some of the more expensive fashion magazines.I want my audience to like smart clothes but to prefer more causal clothing such as t shirts sweatshirts,jeans and more of those fashion tropes which can include european designers.
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